Chromebot - Chromebook auto typer

Last updated: Oct 15, 2022
Works on: Mac OS, Windows, Chromebook
Browser: Chrome

Finally an auto typer for Chromeboks. Let's see how this works.

[A] Installation

1. Tampermonkey:
Go to chrome web store and add Tampermonkey to chrome.

2. Install "Chromebot":
Next go to greasyfork, and install the script Chromebot

[B] Changing speed/accuracy

Warning: Make sure you are NOT logged in with your main account while using this auto typer – as there is a high possibility your account could get banned for using this bot.

To change the speed and accuracy, we need to get to the code editor. To do so follow the following steps.

Click on the Tampermonkey extension icon (at the top right of the screen). Then click on "Dashboard".

When you cilck on "Dashboard", it will take you to a page that looks something like the following image, the dashboard. On the dashboard, to the right of "Chromebot", click on the edit button.

After you click on the edit button, it will take you to a page where you edit the code.

Changing speed and accuracy

By default, the auto typer is set to do 129 WPM with 97% accuracy. To change the speed, change the number next to "var wpm". For the accuracy, change the number that's next to "var accuracy".

Don't forget to save your changes. Right at the top of the code editor, click on File > Save. Or you can CMD + S (for mac), CTRL + S (for windows, and chromebooks)

[C] Racing

Now, that we've got everything setup, go to Nitro Type, and start race. Once the race starts, look and see if your car is moving, and if the WPM is changing. If yes, then it's working. If not then refresh the page, and it should work.

The text that is to be typed, you will not see it changing colors or anything like that to indicate that it's being typed. So you need to look at the WPM, and the car to determine if the bot is typing or not.

[D] How to remove the hack

There are a few different ways youc can delete the hack.

For any questions, suggestions, bugs, etc... send me a message
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-> Discord